
X. ANSE Summer University

With Words and Beyond – Values and identity in an incomprehensible world.

Beginn: 14.08.2023, 13:00 Uhr

Ende:18.08.2023, 14:30 Uhr

KRE University Faculty of Humanities
Reviczky street 6 (VIII. district)
1088 Budapest

Zum Veranstaltungsort


Bei dieser Veranstaltung handelt es sich um eine Kooperationsveranstaltung mit der DGSv.

We live in an age of permanent change, and it is impossible to grasp and understand the events of the present. Day by day we could meet situations in which conditions aren’t simply unstable, they are chaotic. The future is completely unpredictable. The more we try to understand what is happening, the more we feel anxious and overwhelmed. The world around us is incomprehensible.

All of this increasingly makes us to question our basic values, even our identity, and it is almost inevitable that we must rethink our actions and attitudes.

On the one hand, this developing crisis of identity and values is unsettling. It makes easy to fall back on schemes, and prejudices can become stronger.
But on the other hand, it also holds opportunities – new approaches and new values can be born, potential to move forward, redesigning and development can open.

Some things can be captured with words, and some things are best expressed and experienced without words. The significance of „beyond words” is growing, and it is important to find other modalities to hold on to in this increasingly incomprehensible world.

During the keynotes and workshops of the 5 days we will explore this topic and search together for answers to the questions:

We invite participants to reflect on this together and to experience practical handholds – with words and beyond.

This Summer University will also be a jubilee event: 20 years ago, in 2003 the first ANSE SU was held in Salgótarján, Hungary.

Join the Summer University in Budapest, let’s celebrate together in 2023!


Travel-Guide (PDF)
Accomodation-Guide (PDF)


Frühbucherrabatt/Early Bird Pass bis 31.05.2023.

Als Mitglied in der ANSE gilt für DGSv-Mitglieder ein vergünstigter Teilnahmebeitrag.


Association of Hungarian Supervisors and Supervisor-Coaches, Magyar Szupervizorok
Keleti Károly u. 19.
1024 Budapest

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